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First Step into the Realm of Justice: Choosing the Right Law College for B.A.LL.B.

Law plays a crucial role in our society. There is no aspect of our lives that is unaffected by rules and laws, from laying down guidelines for commuting on the roads to simply buying a pen at its MRP. From punishing criminals to deciding the terms of your rent agreements with landlords, A lawless society is not fit for living. There is a misconception about law that it is only a theoretical concept and is needed only for people pursuing law, but as illustrated above that is not the case. There are numerous practical aspects of law that require not only legal professionals but also normal citizens to be acquainted with the law. Knowing the law gives you an edge as myriad facets of society are governed by it.

First and foremost, legal studies can be used for more than just courtroom representation. Without a doubt, the law regulates everything we do. In assessing the advantages of enrolling in law school, we discovered how adaptable and flexible a legal degree can make your career. It equips you with the necessary abilities to advance along the dynamic career curve and launch your career. By developing your analytical, problem-solving, and communication skills, you can excel in the legal field and have an edge over others. If pursued correctly, there are countless advantages to a career in law. A legal degree can serve as the cornerstone of a successful career due to its extensive scope. It can lead to stable employment, a well-regarded profession, and high pay.

The Indian education system has introduced certain courses for the benefit of students. Earlier, the LL.B. course after a three-yeargraduation was the only way to get legal education, But that was not suitable for students who wanted to pursue law right after finishing their school education. BA.LLB. was introduced in 2007 to allow focused individuals to begin their legal education at an early stage. BA.LLB. enhances the young minds of students and opens the gateways of legal knowledge at the earliest opportunity.

The advantages of a BA.LLB. are :-

Embark on an exciting adventure!

You will be deeply involved in advancing the causes of society and individuals through a variety of situations involving people from diverse backgrounds and sectors. You will have the opportunity to defend your client in front of the court as their representative. Working in the legal field will force you to consider both sides, true and false, and challenge you on your moral priorities.


BA.LLB. degree presents significant intellectual challenges. You’ll have to stay alert at all times! You will undoubtedly never stop learning, whether you are a student or a lawyer, whether it is from picking up new skills every day or knowing the ins and outs of your client’s case. The field itself provides countless opportunities for study because of the constantly changing case laws, intricate statute provisions, and demanding academic literature. You can linger on matters that are abstract and philosophical, as well as matters that are really practical. This may help to explain why lawyers typically earn higher incomes than other professions.

Multiple Career Prospects

BA.LLB. graduates are sought-after candidates not only for legal practice but also for positions in academia, the media, business and industry, social work, politics, and more. You’ll discover that learning the law may take you almost anywhere.

Becoming a Multipotentialite.

Developing an understanding of law can equip you for a wide range of career options after graduation. Among the skills are:


You’ll read through a lot of case studies in-depth. To make judgments, you will need to examine original sources and apply critical analysis.


The legal curriculum involves classroom and seminar presentations, which help students sharpen their presentation skills. Presenting the cases of their clients’ in mock trials before a judge during moot courts boosts their confidence.


You will frequently participate in pro bono societies and moot competitions, where you will provide legal advice. The legal aid cell of the institution will provide real-life experience in understanding and communicating with people from all walks of life and regions.

Real-life exposure:

Regular moot courts and court visits instill students with practical knowledge needed to tackle prospective hurdles.


Financial Stability:

One of the most lucrative career paths in today’s world is practicing law. The legal profession is constantly growing, giving you the opportunity to benefit from job security and higher salaries in comparison to other businesses. BA.+LLB., being a professional course, equips you with skills needed in a real-life setup. But having a BA.+LLB. alone does not ensure overnight success or exceptionally high pay. To be able to seize fulfilling possibilities, you should arm yourself with a diverse range of talents and competencies. Even with these considerations, if you choose to pursue your degree from a reputable university, you can still be sure that you will make a handsome salary that is significantly more than the national average.

After understanding the benefits of BA.+LLB., it is important to recognize the need to get into a good law college to actualize the dreams of efficiency in the legal field. The IIMT University upholds to be amongst the top private universities of India. The BA.LLB. course of the IIMT University is reputed and equipped with facilities.

Let’s look into the enlightening world of the College of Law, IIMT University and the benefits of pursuing BA.LLB. from IIMT University.


Robust infrastructure:

Our Law department is equipped with the smart classrooms and extensive library. The library contains recent edition books by eminent authors and volumes of various case law reporters. The College of Law has a well-maintained moot court that gives students a glimpse of courtrooms. Computer labs have been installed with computers to help students learn and keep up with modern learning.

Extensive Research database:

Apart from latest edition reference books, the College of Law has subscriptions to reputed online research platforms such as Manupatra. IIMT University excels at creating a learning environment for students.

Comprehensive Curriculum:

From jurisprudence, practical subjects, Constitution Law, and Forensic Science, our course offerings are designed to satisfy industry requirements and equip students to handle the rigors of a changing legal environment. A carefully thought-out curriculum that has been developed with input from eminent academic institutions and professionals, prepare students for the workforce. Our law curriculum covers every aspect of legal studies to provide a comprehensive education. We at IIMT University promote practical, theoretical, andhands-on training to ensure the excellence of our students in academic, research, corporate, and courtroom settings.

Skilled and Experienced Faculty:

In addition to being teachers, our faculty members are industry experts, mentors, and guides, are dedicated to developing the future generation of lawyers. Our faculty members’ extensive backgrounds in academia and the industry allow them to contribute real-world perspectives to the classroom, ensuring that students receive a well-rounded education that goes beyond textbooks.

Research and Innovation:

Staying ahead in the rapidly changing legal industry requires commitment to innovation and research. To provide students with the opportunity to advance the field of legal studies, IIMT University promotes and funds research projects. Our instructors actively engage in research projects, creating a dynamic learning environment that fosters students’ curiosity and inventive spirit.

Well-rounded Development:

IIMT University at its core believes that education is more than just learning; it is also about personal development. In addition to academic success, our all-encompassing approach to education ensures that students develop critical soft skills, moral principles, and a sense of social responsibility.Our goal is to create well-rounded individuals who not only excel in their respective fields but also make valuable contributions to society.

Services for Students:

As IIMT University is aware of the difficulties students may encounter while pursuing their education, it offers a variety of support services. We are dedicated to assisting our students in overcoming challenges and realizing their full potential, offering everything from career counseling to academic counseling. Every student will experience support and value during their time at the university thanks to our individualized approach.

A Helping Hand in Placement:

We are proud of our solid track record of placing our graduates in esteemed legal institutions across the nation and respectable law firms. In order to facilitate a seamless transition for our students from the classroom to the working world, our placement cell puts in endless effort to link them with excellent employment prospects. Because of IIMT University’s extensive training program and exposure, graduates are in high demand in the job market.

Enthralling Campus:

There is a dynamic campus life at IIMT University outside of the classroom and moot court. Being involved in events, joining student organizations and societies, and participating in extracurricular activities all add to a holistic educational experience. Our campus encourages a feeling of unity and community, resulting in enduring memories and connections.

In conclusion, selecting IIMT University, Meerut, for your legal education is a wise investment in a future filled with prosperity and opportunities. Our university is unique due to its cutting-edge facilities, esteemed faculty, strategic partnerships with business executives, and steadfast dedication to quality. Taken together, these attributes make us the top choice for anyone hoping to have a significant impact in the legal profession.

Choosing IIMT University is an investment in your career and personal development as much as an academic decision. Our school strongly emphasizes holistic development, ensuring that students gain critical soft skills, moral principles, and a sense of social responsibility in addition to their academic prowess. Our graduates are prepared to be well-rounded individuals who can confidently and honourably navigate the complexities of the working world, thanks to our all-encompassing approach.

Starting your academic journey at IIMT University, ensures that you are joining a community that values excellence, creativity, and cooperation, rather than just enrolling in a program. Our active campus community, along with peer and faculty support systems, fosters an environment where learning occurs outside the classroom. Your entire educational experience is enhanced when you participate in events, join organizations and societies, and engage in extracurricular activities.

Therefore, IIMT University is a journey that shapes individuals into leaders in the ever-changing field of legal studies, not just a place to pursue academic goals. Come study with us at IIMT University, where our mission is to transform lives, unleash potential, and equip you to lead and innovate in the legal industry. Your decision to choose IIMT University is an investment that will pay off in both your personal and professional life, launching you into a successful and opportunity-filled future.

Author: Ms. Swastika Pandey,

Asst. Professor, CoL.

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