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Environmental Club at IIMT University, Meerut

Environmental CLub - Sajag - Student Club - IIMT University

Introduction of the Environmental Club

The Environmental Club of IIMT University, named “SAJAG,” was established to promote environmental protection activities among students. The club aims to raise awareness about environmental pollution and its prevention. Students, being vital members of society, can effectively spread knowledge and practices for protecting the environment. “SAJAG” aligns with the “Green Policy” of IIMT University, Meerut. Established on December 18, 2017, the club focuses on creating awareness about environmental threats, including protection, conservation, preservation, and restoration. It encourages students and staff to adopt sustainable practices in their daily lives both within and outside the university.

The Environmental Club is dedicated to various eco-friendly activities such as plantation drives, using recyclable products, reducing pollution, proper disposal of electronic waste, promoting renewable energy, and minimizing the use of hydrocarbons. The club also addresses issues related to environmental education and sustainable programs off-campus. Students, faculty members, and non-teaching staff interested in environmental advocacy and awareness are encouraged to join. All events and activities of the club align with the vision, mission, and values of IIMT University Meerut.

Aims and Objectives of the Environmental Club

  • Create awareness among the students, faculty members, and non-teaching staff about emerging issues due to environmental challenges.
  • Empower the university community with sustainable ideas and activities to save the environment.
  • Enhance a sense of duty towards maintaining a green environment.
  • Motivate and nurture an appreciation and interest in environmental protection.
  • Provide opportunities for active participation in resolving environmental issues.
  • Facilitate participation in decision-making in areas related to environmental protection activities.
  • Bring the university community into direct contact with environmental issues and challenges and encourage them to think of solutions.
  • Involve the university community in action-based programs related to the environment.
  • Enhance leadership skills and develop social awareness and personality among students, faculty, and non-teaching staff.

Rules and Regulations of the Environmental Club

  • The club will operate under the Green Policy of IIMT University Meerut.
  • The Nodal Officer will be appointed through the Registrar of IIMT University.
  • The Nodal Officer will establish the club’s aims, objectives, functions, roles, and responsibilities.
  • Only regular students of IIMT University can be members.
  • A faculty member nominated by the respective Dean/Principal/Head will mentor students in club activities.
  • Activities will be conducted within the IIMT University campus or Meerut City limits.
  • No fees or charges will be collected from participants.
  • GEO TAG photos will be taken for each activity.
  • Notices for activities will be circulated at least one week in advance.
  • An annual report will be prepared and submitted to the Nodal Officer of all clubs at the end of the academic session.

To know more connect with our Nodal Officer for all Student Clubs – Prof. Mukta Sharma (School of Life Sciences and Technology)