Higher Education, Management

Top 20 Reasons to Pursue MBA

Top 20 Reasons to Pursue MBA

When deciding whether to pursue MBA, the first thing you must do is ask yourself, “Why MBA?”. A Master of Business Administration, or MBA, has many advantages. Better career opportunities, specialisation in a variety of fields, and assistance in the development of managerial skills can all be found through MBA program. It may improve your professional marketability and broaden both the type and number of job opportunities available to you. This article will help you understand the advantages to your career and why you should pursue MBA.

Many aspirants struggle to understand “why MBA,” as there is very little useful information available about what to anticipate from the MBA degree and they are not entirely to blame.

Why MBA?

You will benefit greatly from MBA, especially if you pursue your degree at one of the top business schools, like IIMT University Meerut known as the best private university to pursue MBA. Better job prospects and a more lucrative compensation package may result from it. But it’s not the only thing. Below are the top 20 reasons to pursue MBA:

  • Growth in Career
  • Removal of the entry barriers
  • Transformation of Career
  • Excellent Salary
  • High in demand
  • Variety of specialisation
  • Opportunities for Networking 
  • Entrepreneurship abilities
  • Knowledge Development
  • Achieve Managerial skills
  • Overall development of Personality 
  • Confidence booster
  • Assures credibility
  • Builds brand
  • Flexible program
  • Ageless
  • Global Accreditation
  • Worldwide Experience
  • Opportunity to move 
  • Life – Long investment

Nowadays, everyone wants to get MBA; it has become popular, and many people make this choice without fully understanding its motivations. Most likely because of this, many colleges/schools ask the same question to aspirants of MBA during interviews or application processes. They want to know if you truly understand why you are pursuing MBA and how it will benefit you, or if you are merely joining the crowd.

Let us discuss in detail the top 20 reasons of why you should pursue MBA

1. Growth in Career

Having a management degree increases your chances of getting promoted in your career. An employer will pick a candidate with MBA over one without, because it ensures that the latter has the necessary knowledge for the management position. Consequently, obtaining MBA enables you to gain access to the highest levels of hierarchy.

2. Removal of the entry barriers

The MBA degree is a necessary requirement for moving up in some industries (such as consulting and finance) and beyond specific positions. At the entry-level position known as a management trainee, many organisations have policies prohibiting hiring anyone without a Master’s in Business Administration.

Leading corporations like Google, IBM, TATA, Apple, and Amazon hire management trainees who then advance up on the corporate ladder. For instance, after just one year of post-graduation, MBA graduates from business schools like at IIMT University Meerut easily gets placed. Additionally, the employment rate there is above 90%. Consequently, MBA lowers the entry threshold for the corporate world.

3. Transformation of Career

The ability to change career paths is yet another advantage of earning MBA. For instance, if you are currently employed in sales, you could change to work in international business, marketing, business development, or marketing analytic once you have earned a degree in the desired specialisation.

Thus, earning your Master of Business Administration in the specialty of your choice opens doors to new and better career opportunities. With the help of MBA, many people transition from engineering to management and from the military to management. If you examine and compare the pre – MBA industries of students at the top business schools and contrast them with the placement report, you’ll notice that many students changed their career after MBA with a higher pay.

4. Excellent Salary

The majority of employers value graduates with a master’s in business administration and frequently increase salaries to entice them. The year 2019 saw the highest-ever median starting salaries for newly minted MBA hires, at Rs. 40,00,000. This is significantly higher than the median pay for new hires with experience and new hires with a bachelor’s degree.

5. High Demand

The hiring projections for the MBA are strong in comparison to historical trends, according to the Hiring trends and projection report stated that, total 77% of U.S.A. Employers and 87% of businesses in the Asia Pacific region intend to hire a MBA graduate. The high demand for MBA graduate is another reason why you should pursue it.

6. Variety of specialisation

You can focus on your area of interest by earning MBA, which is one of the reasons you should do so. Different concentrations and specialisations are available in business schools to help students learn more in-depth information about a particular stream of management.

For you to select a specialisation, every MBA program will provide similar core subjects such as marketing, human resource, accounting, or finance. However, the majority of prestigious business schools also require their MBA candidates to choose two specialisations instead of only 1 specialisation.

7. Opportunities for Networking

When it comes to the business world, networking and developing relationships are crucial. You get to interact with and meet business leaders, which is another answer to “Why MBA” argument.

Additionally, you visit businesses, which will enhance your education. Plus, the alumni network will give you access to resources and information about employment opportunities and business events.

Moreover, lifetime relationships are made possible by MBA programs as classmates form businesses together and remain close friends.

8. Entrepreneurship abilities

Acquiring entrepreneurial skills is another reason you should pursue MBA. Due to their desire to launch their own businesses, many students choose to pursue master’s degrees in business administration. In fact, entrepreneurship specialisations are offered by a large number of top business schools like IIMT University Meerut. Students gain knowledge from professors who have a thorough understanding of the process, can work on entrepreneurship projects that enable them to develop the business plan, and then gain real perspective from their peers and professors.

The ability to start your own business is not restricted by the entrepreneurship training offered at business schools. Additionally, it equips graduates to pursue a range of career paths and positions in industries such as innovation, venture capital, and many more.

9. Knowledge Development

An additional justification for getting MBA is the knowledge expansion that this program provides. Prior to being given the opportunity to select specialisations and electives, you will begin your MBA program by studying everything there is to know about a management career.

The core and elective courses typically form the program’s structure. The core courses give students the chance to build a solid foundation in all aspects of business, including finance, accounting, marketing, and operations. While elective courses give students the chance to learn in-depth information about particular subjects they are interested in.

The MBA degree provides you with practical learning opportunities through intern-ships in addition to theoretical knowledge.

10. Achieve Managerial skills

MBA students can develop abilities like teamwork, leadership, and negotiating through, involvement in a variety of teams, clubs, activities, extracurricular projects, and community projects. Additionally, by improving communication skills, the program contributes to having better presentation and interpersonal skills.

As a result, the program not only helps you learn new things but also teaches you how to be a good person.

11. Overall development of Personality

MBA aids in the development of the whole person by providing subject knowledge and soft skills. After earning their degree, MBA graduates have a new outlook on life, the business world and are practically transformed into new people.

You will thus be provided with the ideal environment for your overall personality development in a Masters in Business Administration course.

12. Confidence booster

You gain more confidence if you pursue MBA. We frequently steer clear of uncomfortable situations, whether it’s a sales pitch, an interview of a job, or asking your boss for a raise in the salary. Through education and experience, a Master’s in Business Administration can help one get over some of these obstacles.

Increased confidence is thus one of the most important intangible advantages of earning MBA. You can boost your self-assurance by managing team projects, taking calculated risks in a secure setting, and receiving immediate performance feedback. Additionally, having a degree in hand can boost confidence, which is essential for success in the workplace. Furthermore, hiring managers in corporations look for people who are self-assured and are capable of taking charge.

13. Assures credibility

As many people can probably attest, having MBA is crucial because it can open many doors and also help in establishing immediate professional credibility. You gain the respect of your co-workers and corporate circle as a result. As your knowledge and abilities have been officially recognised by a degree program, it also aids in establishing authority.

14. Builds brand

Association with top business schools like IIMT University Meerut can open up a variety of opportunities if you pursue MBA there. A fulfilling and prosperous career will result from it. For instance, prospective employers are aware of how much competitive education this university provide. This University has a strong brand value as well.

15. Flexible program

A full-time MBA program typically lasts two years, but IIMT University Meerut give their students program flexibility. You can choose to study for your degree part-time. You can work at a pace that is comfortable for you as a result, without feeling pressured or hurried.

16. Ageless

Age is not a significant consideration in the admissions process at business schools. Therefore, a management degree is a crucial experience that can be used as a tool kit of transition or to advance to the leadership roles in your career, regardless of your age.

17. Global Accreditation

The MBA degree is a globally recognised degree that is not nation-specific. It equips you to work in any setting and in any nation. Because of this, it’s frequently observed that the U. K. The USA, Canada, etc. and India, among others, as their origins.

18. Worldwide Experience

In MBA programs around the world, the emphasis on global experiences has grown significantly over the last ten years. Many programs have a foreign trip that allows students to experience the culture and learn more about doing business there. It aids in gaining a global perspective on universal problems.

19. Opportunity to move

A good way to relocate to a new nation or city is to pursue MBA. Many students base their program selection on the area with the intention of relocating and finding employment there after post – graduation. However, if you intend to stay in a different nation after graduating, you should be aware of visa requirements.

20. Life – Long investment

Finally, earning a master’s degree in business administration increases your potential lifetime income. Because it’s a long-term investment, making an investment in yourself now will pay off later. The question is, though, whether the degree will be worthwhile?  

Also, you must take the cost and return on investment into account when considering a degree as an investment. And that is why it is advisable to pursue MBA from a reputed and experienced University; hence IIMT University which is known as one of the best private University in UP is ideal and first choice for many aspirants and it should be yours too!

In conclusion, we must note that the employability rate of MBA students have only increased (as shown in the pic 1 below) and it will continue to increase in the coming years!

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