About Course

Bachelor's degrees in Pharmacy enable one to do the work of a Pharmacist. It is a Four Years under Graduate Course. The curriculum is divided into 8 semesters and includes - lectures, practical, seminars, projects, etc. In addition to personality development training, industrial training, educational tour, and campus placement are also provided to our students. Pharmacy and professional education in India up to the degree of graduation is regulated by the Pharmacy Council of India (PCI) an official body governed by the provisions of the Pharmacy Act, 1948 passed by the Parliament of India with intake capacity of 100 seats. Pharmacy is the art and science of the preparation & distribution of drugs and medicines. Our curriculum is designed to provide valuable information on health care and biochemistry. Students are expected to take several tests and theatre classes. This course is meant for those students who want to pursue career in marketing, production, quality assurance and quality control sections of Pharmacy Industries. It provides excellent exposure to practical skills.


• Modular framework of 8 semesters. • Flexibility in choosing a career from research, clinic, marketing. • Helps in building a strong background in basic science, management, and engineering related subjects. • Extensive training in research approaches, instrumental techniques, developing fields, and industrial operations. • From the third year onward students have the option of conducting projects (study/laboratory/computer related) in addition to the normal course, seminars, and assignments. • Option to choose a specific career route through electives.

Career Prospects

Pharmacy graduates are employed in industry govern by private sector organizations such as, pharmaceutical companies , food & drink companies and cosmetics companies; where they can work in several areas such as, research and development, quality assurance, quality control, marketing, sales and management. There are other types of employment that can a pharmacy graduate can do such as:  Join as a military pharmacist in the Armed.  An academic pharmacist in Universities and research institutions.  A veterinary pharmacist for various specialist practices, university veterinary schools, the pharmaceutical industry, government departments and agencies such as the Veterinary Medicines Directorate.  Work as a community or hospital pharmacist.  As Drug Inspector or Health Inspector.

Eligibility Criteria & Duration

Eligibility: 10+2 PCM/PCB with 50%, SC/ST 45%. Age of 17 years of age as on 31-Dec of admission year.

Duration: 4 Years

Fee Structure

Academic Year Tution Fee Book Bank Administrative fee (per year) Security (One time) Examination Fee Total
BACHELOR OF PHARMACY 4 years 105000 5000 24800 2000 Semester Pattern 131800

Programme Educational Objectives (PEO)

  • PEO-1 To produce pharmacy graduates with strong fundamental concepts and high technical competence in pharmaceutical sciences and technology, who shall be able to use these tools in pharmaceutical industry and / or institutes where every necessary for success.
  • PEO-2 To provide students with a strong and well defined concepts in the various fields of pharmaceutical sciences viz., pharmaceutics, pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacology and pharmacognosy according to the requirement of pharmaceutical industries, community and hospital Pharmacy and also develop a sense of teamwork and awareness
  • PEO-3 To amongst students towards the importance of interdisciplinary approach for developing competence in solving complex problems in the area of Pharamceutical Sciences.
  • PEO-4 To promote the development of trained human resource in Pharmaceutcial sciences of dissemination of quality education with highly professional and ethical attitude, strong communication skills, effective skills to work in a team with a multidisciplinary approach.

Program Outcomes (PO’s)

  • PO1:  Pharmacy Knowledge: Graduates will possess knowledge and comprehension of the core information associated with the profession of pharmacy, including biomedical sciences; pharmaceutical sciences; behavioural, social, and administrative pharmacy sciences; and manufacturing practices. Graduates will have hands on training of practical aspects of Synthesis of APIs and its intermediates along with Formulation and Development, Analysis and Quality assurance of various pharmaceutical dosage forms including those of herbal origin as per standards of official books, WHO, and other regulatory agencies.
  • PO2:  Planning and Management: Graduates will demonstrate effective planning abilities including time management, working independently, resource management, delegation skills and organizational skills. They would be able to develop and implement plans and organize work to meet deadlines.
  • PO3:  Thinking Ability & Problem analysis: Graduates would be able to utilise the principles of scientific inquiry, thinking analytically, clearly and critically, while solving problems and making decisions during daily practice. They would be able to find, analyse, evaluate and apply information systematically and shall make defensible decisions. Graduates will develop an ability to conduct, analyze and interpret data of pharmaceutical experiments in various departments (Eg: Drug discovery, Formulation & Development, Production, Quality control & Quality assurance etc) as per the needs of pharmaceutical industries.
  • PO4:  Modern tool usage: Graduates will be equipped to handle current instruments, technologies and use knowledge of mathematics and computers for drug analysis and research. They would be able to select and apply appropriate methods, procedures, resources, and modern pharmacy-related computing tools with an understanding of the limitations.
  • PO5:  Leadership skills: Graduates would be able to understand and consider the human reaction to change, motivation issues, leadership and team-building when planning changes required for fulfillment of practice, professional and societal responsibilities. They would exhibit good managerial and entrepreneurship abilities They shall assume participatory roles as responsible citizens or leadership roles when appropriate to facilitate improvement in health and well-being.
  • PO6:  Professional Identity: Graduates will demonstrate the ability to understand, analyse and communicate the value of their professional roles in society (e.g. health care professionals, suppliers of pharmaceuticals, promoters of health, educators, business managers, employers, employees) through consideration of historical, social, economic and political issues. Graduates will retrieve, evaluate, and apply current drug information in the delivery of pharmaceutical care and assure safe and accurate preparation, dispensing and use of medications.
  • PO7:  Ethics: Graduates will swear by a code of ethics of Pharmacy Council of India in relation to community and shall act as integral part of a health care system. They will demonstrate honesty, integrity, ethical understanding, and respect for others and will carry out their professional responsibilities by adhering to high ethical standards. Honour personal values and apply ethical principles in professional and social contexts.
  • PO8:  Communication: Graduates would communicate effectively with the pharmacy community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports, make effective presentations and documentation, and give and receive clear instructions. . They will be able to demonstrate knowledge and proficiency with current audio-visual presentation technologies and develop an ability to communicate scientific knowledge in non-expert/lay term by adopting various modes of scientific communications (e.g., abstract, manuscripts, project reports, oral and poster presentations etc).
  • PO9:  The Pharmacist and society: Graduates will apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal, and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional pharmacy practice. They will create awareness of healthcare issues through interactions with others and will gain a sense of self-respect towards community and citizenship.
  • PO10:  Environment and sustainability: Graduates will be able to demonstrate a high-level of understanding of the key stages in drug discovery, development, and commercialization. Understand the impact of the professional pharmacy solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.

Programme Specific Outcome (PSO's)

  • PSO1:  Have adequate knowledge and scientific information regarding basic principles of Pharmaceutical & Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmaceutics including Cosmeticology, Pharmacology, and Pharmacognosy including herbal medicines.
  • PSO2:  Be able to develop and assure the quality of various pharmaceutical dosage forms including those of herbal origin as per standards of official books, WHO and other regulatory agencies like USFDA, MHRA etc.
  • PSO3:  Be able to counsel the patients leading to physical and social well being and work as a team member of clinical trial.
  • PSO4:  Be able to do product detailing, marketing, distribution and selling of pharmaceutical products.
  • PSO5: Be able to perform experimental procedures as per laboratory standards in the area of Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmacology and Pharmacognosy.