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- Urkund / Turnitin Plag Check Form
About IIMT Library
More than 2,04,000 books covering a wide range of subjects are housed in the IIMT University's roomy Central Library, which is thoughtfully organized and classified for reading. The university has subscriptions to more than 150 reliable periodicals, online databases, and e-journals on a national and international scale. The library has access to the most recent research papers, resources, and information for reference thanks to a large number of computers that are connected to the World Wide Web. A knowledgeable and effective librarian is responsible for ensuring the best information services. Additionally, the university offers a book bank facility. Additionally, the library offers printing and photocopying services. A library orientation program is held to educate new users about the many services the library provides.
The library is open Monday through Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., but during exams, its hours are extended to 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. for students' convenience. The library likewise contains enormous stock rooms and perusing spaces for both staff and understudies. The university also has fifteen departmental or school libraries. The following are their names:
The IIMT University Library makes it possible to access electronic resources, such as Internet data. Electronic resources present unprecedented opportunities to expand the amount of information accessible to users. Every client of the library approaches data on any point that suits their necessities or interests. The university subscribes to a number of subscription services, including J-Gate, IEEE, DELNET, EBSCO, and REFREAD. The library has offered Sick assistance through DELNET and the grounds library offers an interlibrary loaning administration to support workers and understudies.
Extraordinary Assortment
Abundance of different materials is accessible at the library, including interesting books, serious books, yearbooks, gunnies books, strict books, books, unique word references, and reference books.
The library has begun computerizing its operations by utilizing KOHA software and the barcode system for book distribution. It also provides "WEB ONLINE PUBLIC ACCESS CATALOUGE" (OPAC) for finding where books and other library materials are located.
The library arranges scholastic displays for different divisions, and new books it has obtained are additionally displayed to assist staff and understudies.
Plagiarism Check Software
The college utilizes the counter copyright infringement programs TURNITIN and URKUND. Both referenced enemy of copyright infringement programming will be utilized to check the propositions, research papers, and so forth.
The procedure for this would be as follows:
- The document will be emailed to the student's supervisor or research cell.
- After that, the supervisor or research cell will send the document to the library to check for plagiarism.
- A plagiarism report will be sent to the supervisor/research cell for further action.