About Course
There are several institutions offering higher education in agriculture and their curricula varies depending on the needs of the local area. In July 2018, IIMT University started a UG (Honours) programme in Agriculture titled B.Sc. Ag. (H). SoAS has adopted the creative and dynamic curriculum recommended by the 5th Dean committee which was established by India's highest authority ICAR with minor modifications focusing on the needed areas basis and meeting students' professional needs. Along with on and off farm activities, many departments adopt and oversee the curriculum at SoAS.
For hands-on learning and to impart the knowledge from the rural farming community, village surveys, industrial and KVK visits are organised on the regular basis. The newest tools and equipments needed for experimentation, analysis and evaluation are installed in each of the department of SoAS.
The increasing agricultural industrialisation and expansion of food processing units have generated a significant scope for job seekers in the agriculture sector and there is a huge demand for qualified personnel in the production line, logistics, supply chain management, ware-house management, distribution management, etc. in the agricultural field. IIMT University understands these needs and provides the best to all its students. And to set itself apart from the rest, IIMT University’s SoAS runs Bsc Agr. (H) Programme which is governed by the following departments:-
- Agronomy and Agro forestry.
- Agricultural Economics.
- Agricultural Extension and communication.
- Agricultural chemistry, Soil Sciences, Microbiology & Biochemistry.
- Entomology and Plant Pathology.
- Genetics & Plant breeding and Seed technology, Crop Physiology.
- Horticulture, food science &Technology.
- Animal Sciences and Fisheries.
- Agricultural Engineering.
- Agro meteorology and Environmental sciences.
- Basic Science & humanities and computer science.
At SoAS of IIMT University Meerut, our prime focus is on:-
- Training on production and processing industries based on fruit and vegetables, oil seeds, cereals and grains,
- The production, marketing, and storage practices of cash crops like sugarcane, coconut, spices, condiments, and medicinal plants
- Providing broad spectrum knowledge covering Dairy & Fishery.
Career Prospects
The increasing agricultural industrialisation and expansion of food processing units have generated a significant scope for job seekers in the agriculture sector and there is a huge demand for qualified personnel in the production line, logistics, supply chain management, ware-house management, distribution management, etc. in the agricultural field. IIMT University understands these needs and provides the best to all its students. And to set itself apart from the rest, IIMT University’s SoAS runs Bsc Agr. (H) Programme which is governed by the following departments:- I)
Eligibility Criteria & Duration
Fee Structure
Academic | Year | Tution Fee | Book Bank | Administrative fee (per year) | Security (One time) | Examination | Fee Total |
BACHELOR OF SCIENCE HONOURS IN AGRICULTURE | 4 years | 50000 | 2000 | 17800 | 2000 | Semester Pattern | 69800 |
Programme Educational Objectives (PEO)
- PEO-1 To provide the sound knowledge in the Agriculture and allied science subjects required to solve common problems in management of crop cultivation, improvement, livestock rearing and their marketing.
- PEO-2 To develop a good teaching-learning environment for higher studies and help in selection of professional careers in government and private organization, agro- based industries, educational/ research/extension, institutes etc
- PEO-3 To develop the skills for leadership, ethical integrity, and professional engagement in agriculture and allied science.
- PEO-4 To provide adequate information about natural and other resources through a course curriculum for the betterment of life.
- PEO-5 To produce highly skilled professionals in field of various branches of agriculture to meet the need of various scientific agriculture institutions as well as farmers demand for agriculture professionals.
Program Outcomes (PO’s)
- PO1: Understand the basic knowledge of agriculture and related subjects in the current scenario of Indian and world Agriculture
- PO2: Develop an understanding of communication methods, resources utilization, cultivation of crops, management of crops, and value addition of agricultural produces
- PO3: Develop the skills to manage agricultural farms, dairy farms and enhance quality of farm- produces and their commercial utilization
- PO4: Demonstrate the methods used in collection, presentation of data and analysis of results of experiments in laboratories and fields and their validation
- PO5: Extension activities in agriculture and allied sectors around the local villages through Rural Agricultural Work Experience and Agro-industrial Attachment (RAWE & AIA). P.O. 8. Harmonize the relation with Agriculture Research Institutions, State Agriculture Universities, Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), etc
- PO6: Learn to make optimum decision at various levels that enhances the success as an agricultural enterprise
- PO7: Motivate for entrepreneurship, start-up through project planning and execution, research and training during field visits etc
Programme Specific Outcome (PSO's)
- PSO1: Develop the knowledge based resources and technologies for the enhancement of decision-making ability in students for selection of higher studies in Agriculture
- PSO2: Demonstrate the thoughts of the legal and ethical issues of the environment impacting agriculture and food security of the local and global population
- PSO3: Establish a self-motivated system of agriculture education to attain the local and global demands of agriculture professionals in agriculture and allied sectors
- PSO4: Develop operational resources for the efficient and cost effective implementation of agriculture education