IIMT University joins The Biotech Research Society of India as a proud member.
Biotechnology Research Society of India (BRSI)
A scientific, nonprofit organisation, the Biotechnology Research Society of India (BRSI) works to advance biotechnology research excellence and competency across India for the benefit of humanity. Prof. Ashok Pandey founded the organisation in 2003, which had expanded to include more than 3700 Individual Members, including more than 1600 Life Members. The society was founded with a motive of promoting research in field of Biotechnology in our country, to facilitate communication between academic institutions and the biotechnology sector, assist the latter in problem-solving, and inform them of the most recent advancements in the field, to conduct biotechnology training, and to host talks, seminars, and symposia on research projects and societal goals. BRSI is working in enriching the society with the biotechnologist with a research oriented mindset and also developing their interest in setting up and achieving their goals through collaborated association. Moving ahead on its mission, the society has built Strong links with affiliates and other international organisations, with which the society hold bilateral MoUs that contribute to their membership's rapid growth. Some of the affiliate partners of the society are Centre for Energy and Environmental Sustainability, Biotechnology Society of Nigeria, Media Partner Biotech Express etc. The society is globally increasing its members and affiliates in response to its outstanding achievements and performances in field of biotechnology.
The BRSI is controlled and regulated by a top body, known as the Board of Governors of the BRSI, and is governed by the Management Council under the capable leadership of Prof. Sudhir Kumar Sopory. Students, professors, members of the business community, and other participants in biotechnology research and teaching are provided with institutional and individual memberships by the society.
Benefits for the members of BRSI
The members are facilitated with various support and appreciations in terms of awards, recognitions and publications to promote their enthusiasm in recent advances of biotechnology. For its members, BRSI's Central Office creates a quarterly email newsletter. Brief summaries of recent scientific and biotech events are published in the newsletter. A pamphlet on The Society's celebrations, its history, a report on progress, and highlights of accomplishments during the last 10 years has been just issued by BRSI. Numerous scholarly journals and special edition publications publish the papers that are presented at each annual BRSI congress. The Society also publish an open access journal named Bioresource Technology that aims to improve and distribute information in all connected fields, including biomass, biological waste treatment, bio-energy, bio-transformations, and systems analysis of bio-resources. In celebration of the organization's 15th anniversary, BRSI also issued a compilation of 20 issues from the last five years' worth of newsletters, covering the years 2014 through 2018.
Recognition in the form of awards
The platform provided by BRSI could be used to recognize biotechnologists in India for their exceptional scientific research and to acknowledge their efforts. These appreciation awards motivate the fellows, faculty and students as well as research associations to excel and become more competent in the field of Biotechnology. The Society offers a variety of awards, including the CDC India-Prof. Ashok Pandey Research Excellence Award, Fellows Award (in three categories), Young Scientist Award, Women Scientist Award, Industrial Medal Award, SBS-MKU Genomics Award, BHU Centennial Award, Life-Time Achievement Award, AU-CBT Excellence Award, and many more, to encourage a wide range of contributions in the field of biotechnology.
Conferences and Seminars
The Society spends the entire year planning a variety of seminars and conferences at both the national and international levels. With an emphasis on linked cross-field research and advances, the conference put on by BRSI aims to deliver a distinctive spectrum of scientific programmes on the most exciting developments in biotechnology. The Conferences are anticipated to highlight the various innovations and noteworthy advancements in the chosen thematic areas as well as how important they are to human welfare. One of them is the International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management and Resource Recovery (SWMR-2022), which brought together scientists, engineers, and other experts from around the world to discuss recent developments in the frontier areas of solid waste management and resource recovery. These fields include recycling, nanotechnology applications, biofuels and bio-products, biotechnology for waste conversion, industrial bioengineering etc. The other includes the XIX Convention, BSB2-2022, IBA-IFIBiop 2022, and many more.
The society provides a platform for the members to interact with various scientist and researcher as well as academicians involved in biotechnology sector over the globe. This enhances the understanding and helps in overcoming various troubleshooting associated with research. The members can avail the advantage of publishing their work in the form of articles, communications and papers in the journals, newsletters and proceedings of the Society conferences. The society also helps its associated institution as well as the fellows and members to be a part of trainings and organize trainings, seminars, symposiums and conferences in their organizations. The person who focuses on social concerns associated with biotech education, research, and industry is also acknowledged by the society. Thus the society employs a collaborative strategy to unite all of the fellows, academicians, scientists, and researchers in the subject of biotechnology under one roof.
To know more log onto - https://iimtu.edu.in/blog/iimt-university-becomes-a-member-of-biotech-research-society-of-india/