Report of National Seminar on
Professional Sensitization of Teachers: Issues and Challenges
(Towards quality education and an Imperative of SDG of UNO)
Organised by: - College of Education, I.I.M.T. University, Meerut (U.P.)
15 to 16 May, 2023
Venue: Seminar Hall- ‘B’Block, I.I.M.T. University, Meerut (U.P.)
Two days National Seminar on the theme ‘Professional Sensitization for Teachers: Issues and Challenges” (Towards quality education and an imperative of SDG of UNO) was organised by College of Education, IIMT University, Meerut on 15th and 16th May 2023. The Seminar was attended by 262 participants including offline and online (HYBRID Mode) from different Universities and Colleges. There were four technical sessions along with the inaugural and valedictory sessions.
The National seminar was inaugurated by Honourable Vice-Chancellor Professor (Dr.) Deepa Sharma, Honourable Dr. S. D Sharma (Pro Vice-chancellor) Key note speaker Prof. Suraksha Pal (Advisor), Prof. Amita Panday Bhardwaj (School of Education, Mr. Lal Bahadur Shastri National Sanskrit University, New Delhi), Prof. Navneet Sharma (Dean, College of Life Science, IIMTU), Prof. Sarita Goswami (Dean, College of Education, IIMTU), Prof. Sanjeev Kumar (Associate Dean, College of Education), Dr. Dev Parkash (Head, Dept of Physical Education, IIMTU) and Dr. Divesh Chaudhary (Organizing Secretary & Associate Professor, Dept of Physical Education, College of Education, IIMTU, Meerut). The Seminar was inaugurated with lightening of lamp and Sarasvati- vandna.
Honorable Vice-Chancellor Dr. Deepa Sharma delivered the presidential address in which she specifically focused on the challenges of professional sensitisation in the perspective of new Education Policy 2020. Dr. Suraksha Pal, Key note speaker threw light on the psycho social factors of sensitisation associating with cardinal philosophy of Ramayan in which professional sensitisation is visibly perceived as depending on the four pillars as Samta, Mamta, Kshamta, Dakshta.
Pro-vice Chancellor Dr. S. D Sharma enlightened the audience with his meticulous analysis of role of Professional sensitization for teachers. The Chief Guest. Prof. Amita Pandey Bhardwaj, (School of Education, Lal Bahadur Shastri, National Sanskrit University, Central University, New Delhi), reflected upon the strategies to promote professional sensitisation categorising them from philosophical to technological and digital models. Sustainable development goals were discussed in view of new educational policy 2020 and the ways of coordinating them with the strategies of professional sensitization. First technical session was chaired of Professor Amita Pandey Bhardwaj. 10 Papers were presented and were concluded by her. Convener Dr. Sarita Goswami Dean, College of Education placed a vote of thanks acknowledging the scholarly and beneficial revelation by the speakers and the patience of the participants.
The second technical session was chaired by Prof. Sharad Sinha (Head, Dept of Teacher Education, NCERT Delhi) in this session 15 papers were presented in her deliberation, she explained with examples of how sustainable developmental Goals may be realized while developing professional sensitiSation.
On the second day, 3rd & 4th technical sessions were chaired by Dr. Navneet Sharma, Dean, School of Life Science, IIMT University Meerut & Prof. R. P. Pathak, School of Education, Lal Bahadur Shastri, National Sanskrit University, Central University, New Delhi, 20 pertinent papers were presented respectively. In his address Prof. R. P. Pathak explored the philosophical and answer the question that spiritual aspects of professional sensitisation.
Prof. Indrani, Ex principal and Professor of Education, VMLG college Ghaziabad, gave a valedictory speech. She threw light on the uses and role of artificial intelligence and adaptability challenges. At last Vote of thanks were proposed by Co-convener Prof. Sanjeev Agarwal. Associate Dean, College of Education.