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In order to promote research, innovation, incubation, and start-ups, IIMT University has established two business incubators, IIMTU-BI, which has received approval from the Government of India's Ministry of Human Resource Development and MSME, and IIMT-Business Incubator Foundation, which is registered under Section 8 of the Company Act of 2013. Both have pre-incubation and incubation facilities on campus in the fields of engineering and technology, Bio-technology , Pharmaceuticals, Nano-technology , Polymers , Food Processing , Herbal Medicines , Agriculture , Health sciences etc.
1. Technically assisted by PUM with the assistance of a senior international specialist from the Netherlands, Dr. Maud Van Den Meiracker, who regularly visits the Business Incubator to upgrade it, guiding it toward a successful BI step-by-step.
2. The IIMTU-BI has experience incubating innovative ideas of students, faculty, and others in the fields of engineering and technology, computer science and application, pharmacy, applied sciences, health science, and many interdisciplinary areas. The IIMTU-BI is already associated with TBI-IIT (Ropar) for technology transfer and technical guidance.
The business incubator supports the startups/ entrepreneurs which work in the following domains-
(a) Projects on advanced technology in different fields of engg. and technology.
(b) Projects which have immense social values.
(c) Projects related to industrial applications.
(d) Projects related to human applications.
(e) Projects related to innovation in Medical Science, pharmacy and health sciences
(f) Projects related to herbal preparations / Medicines.
Students can use the expertise of our trained, experienced faculty to work on cutting-edge projects since they have the capacity to conduct research at the national and international levels. We have an R&D pool of professionals in several technical and technological sectors as well as medical sciences here at IIMT University who may act as mentors and counsellors. Various science and engineering departments' faculties have created novel goods and technologies for IIMT University's research and consulting services, including: The institute's personnel and students have been providing various consulting services to nearby businesses and industries in the form of website and module creation, maintenance, and R & D.
Budget provisions for seed funding and other things
- The IIMTU has funds set aside in its budget for the promotion and support of innovation and entrepreneurship development for students, faculty, staff, and start-ups. These funds are designated for training and awareness sessions, seed funding for early startups, pre- and incubation facilities, innovation, and IPR commercialization.
Besides this, the incubator being recognized under various schemes of State & Central Government, has got opportunities to get seed grant directly from the government also.
To know more - visit www.iimtciie.com
Recognition Certificates from State & Central Govt.