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About Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)
IIMTU established the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) with Notification Ref. No. IIMTU/RO/Circular/IQAC/2017/67 released on dated 24th March,2017,in pursuance of the11th PLAN GUIDELINES OF UGC FOR ESTABLISHMENT & MONITORING OF THE INTERNAL QUALITY ASSURANCE CELLS (IQACs) IN HIGHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS (HEIs) (2007-2012), as well as the NAAC guidelines for the creation of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC).
The objective of IQAC is to achieve outstanding performance in both academic and administrative aspects of the institution.
- To create a framework for purposeful, reliable, and transformative actions that contribute to enhancing the Institution's academic and administrative capabilities.
- To promote efforts to improve the quality of institution through the establishment of a culture focused on quality and the implementation of effective strategies.
To prioritize the quality culture, IIMT University, Meerut aims to establish and integrate all efforts towards improving and maintaining quality with both internal and external support.
In order to achieve excellence, IIMT University aims to create a system For consistent enrichment with curriculum outcomes, teaching practices, research promotion, and extension activities.
The IQAC will facilitate developing systems and processes to:-
- Ensure the strategic planning among all academic and administrative processes for continuous improvement.
- Implement the comprehensive and affordable academic and research programs that cater to the needs of different social groups.
- Enhance the use of technology-integrated teaching practices to maximize the learning experience.
- Assure reliability in assessment and evaluation measures.
- Ensuring the appropriate allocation, sufficiency, and maintenance of support structures and services for all stakeholders.
- Sharing the best institutional practices and associated outcomes with other institutions at global level.
The IQAC shall have the following functions:-
- Develop procedures to establish standards and guidelines for measuring the quality of all processes.
- Create a learner-focused atmosphere in order to offer the optimal learning experience through enhancing faculty competence and knowledge.
- Collect and analyse the quality feedback from stakeholders to improve the institutional processes.
- Share the information about different quality approaches and results with all parties involved.
- Organize the Faculty Development Programs, workshops, seminars regarding quality.
- Serve as a centralized body of the university to manage and organise quality related activities.
- Maintain the institutional database of all the activities using either internally developed or commercially acquired Data Management System.
- Regular conduction of Academic and Administrative Audit (AAA) and enforcing subsequent recommendations.
- Process of preparing and submitting the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) as per the guidelines provided by NAAC
The IQAC will facilitate / contribute to:
- Ensure that the emphasis is on improving quality through institutional measures.
- Ensure sure that the quality culture is embraced by all academic and administrative processes and practices.
- Ensure to improve and oversee all the activities of the university in order to establish the most effective methods as standard practice.
- Deliver inclusive decision-making processes and effective governance for the growth of the university.
- Serve as an active and measurable nodal agency ensuring quality at the university.
- Create a structured approach for documentation and internal coordination.