Day 1
Two Days National Conference on the topic titled, “Literature & Society " was organised at 10:00 AM (B Block) on 28.04.2023 by School of Arts & Humanities. Prof. (Dr.) Deepa Sharma, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, Prof. (Dr.) C.K Gautam, Chief Guest, Prof. (Dr.) Monika Gupta, Guest of Honor, Prof. (Dr.) Vikas Sharma, Key Note Speaker, Prof. (Dr.) S.D Sharma, Pro Vice Chancellor, Prof. (Dr.) V.P Rakesh, Registrar and Prof. (Dr.) Subhash Gautam inaugurated Two Days National Conference. All Guests were extremely happy to see beautiful , large and lush green campus of our University. Souvenir of the Conference was also released in the inaugural ceremony on First Day Event. Guest Speakers addressed the Conference excellently Dr. Vikas Sharma as Key-note Speaker addressed the theme of Conference. The theme of the Conference is thus.
In the second session participants who came from differences places in IIMTU such as U.P, Bihar, Uttrakhand, Delhi etc presented their research papers in detail. Pannel discussion and Papers were reviewed by Chairperson of Technical session. Lunch was so delicious and arranged in well mannered that all delegates appreciated a lot.
The support of all definitely will make memorable event tomorrow in form of grand success of Two Days National Conference:
One significant objects Conference is to produce very efficacious humanistic and literary approach in Post Modern Age so that they may prove to be highly specialized assets for the society. Knowledge acquired by intelligent Students often fails if they will not be able to express the role of literature and society before others in a very convincing manner. In post modern age the subjective Knowledge is highly essential and paramountly needed which justifies the theme of conference.
Dr. C.K Gautam, Chief Guest and Dr. S.D Sharma, PVC and Dr. V.P Rakesh explained the importance of the Conference in detail as per their own experiences of life. Finally Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, Prof. (Dr.) Deepa Sharma appraised the initiative taken by School of Arts & Humanities to organise the Conference with her valuable words.
Day 2
On the Second Day of Two Days National Conference on “Literature & Society " the event was inaugurated by the well known academicians at 10:00 AM (B Block Seminar Hall) on 29.04.2023. Dr. C.P. Sharma, Chief Guest and Key note Speaker highlighted Conference topic in detail quoted many examples of The Ramayan, The Mahabharata, The Geeta and The Bible. Prof. (Dr.) Sanjay Kumar, Guest of Honour focused on good health and counselling psychology sharing his vast subjective and practical experience. Dr. S.D Sharma, Pro Vice Chancellor also addressed the importance of values and Society. Participants who came from differences places in IIMTU such as U.P, Bihar, Uttrakhand, Delhi etc presented their research papers in detail. Papers were reviewed by Chairperson Dr. C.P. Sharma as Chairperson in the Second Session/ Technical session.
It was really great moment in concluding ceremony as Hon’ble Vice Chancellor Madam motivated all Guests with her best wishes and inviting them for coming IIMT University in future for giving your valuable time in such academic activities. Dean School of Arts & Humanities paid the sincere thanks to all IIMT University officers, Faculty members and Staff for cooperating to conduct Two Days National Conference in School of Arts & Humanities.