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- About Library
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- Open Access Resources
- IIMT Syllabus
- Library Rules and Regulations
- Gita Press Collection
- Rare Manuscript Collection
- Previous Year Question Papers
- Turnitin
- Library Membership Form
- Books Recommendation Form
- No Dues Form
- KOHA OPAC (for user)
- KOHA (For Library Staff)
- E-Content Library: Developed by Our Experts
- Project / Dissertation Reports
- Urkund / Turnitin Plag Check Form
The IIMT College Library gives admittance to electronic assets, remembering information for the Web. Phenomenal open doors are presented by electronic assets to expand how much data clients approach. Every client of the library approaches data on any point that suits their necessities or interests. J-Entryway, IEEE, DELNET, EBSCO, REFREAD, are all membership benefits that the college buys into. The library has offered Sick support through DELNET and the grounds library offers an interlibrary loaning administration to serve students and staff.